Thursday, March 26, 2009

Announcing AHAP2009! June 1-July 1

Welcome to the Akin House Archaeology Project blog! As Principle Investigator at the site, I am happy to announce that we are planning our third season of work at the historic Elihu Akin House in Dartmouth, MA. The property is managed by the Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust and owned by the Town of Dartmouth. Archaeology and history serve the goals of education and community engagement at this historic property.

This June, pending approval by the Massachusetts Historical Commission, we plan to study an area of the site that had known 19th-century outbuildings on it. We will also study and interpret artifacts from the previous two years in order to develop educational materials.

Volunteers will be welcome, as always. If you are interested, please email the project and stay tuned for training day scheduling in early June. I am also offering two project-based courses through the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Summer School. Register now for Soc/Ant 180: Historical Archaeology of New England at Professional & Continuing Education. The course is also offered as a degree required Soc/Ant 407 Field Inquiry I course.

Project work is not waiting for the Summer! I benefit from the support of the Harvard Extension School Faculty Aid Program. The Program is currently funding a Research Assistant who is cataloging materials from the AHAP2008 project.